Are You Ready for Some CAAATS!?
Boy, I sure am! First of all, thanks to everyone who is reading this comic. I literally couldn’t be more excited that you’re here, and I hope you’ll stick around each week for another dose of wackiness. If I could shake each and every one of your hands, I would grab an industrial-sized bottle of hand sanitizer and shake away!
Also, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the comic, had faith in it, and helped get it off the ground. Especially to my wife Meghan, who is an undying source of support and was excited about CAAATS! before the first line was ever drawn. Sure, Olive and Hazel are her cats too, but she would have been excited even if they weren’t.
To the uninitiated, CAAATS! is a comic about two real-life creatures, Olive and Hazel, and the peculiar love/hate relationship that they share. Hazel, an older Siamese cat, is calm, intelligent and mostly enjoys either being in someone’s lap or getting a little alone time to contemplate “cat things.” Olive, on the other hand, is a very young cat who is hyperactive, destructive and mischievous. Also, slightly insane.
Needless to say, these two personalities clash and they clash often. The fights that the two of them have are epic, but the funny thing is, they adore each other as well. There’s barely a minute in the day that they aren’t together. I suppose in some ways, human siblings can be this way too, but there’s something hilarious about cats doing the same thing.
And thus, CAAATS! was born. Pages will update every Wednesday, rain or shine. Thanks once again for checking it out, and enjoy!
LOVE it! So glad it’s alive and kicking!
Schwaaa! great start! go matt and meg and olive and hazel!!!
awesome stuff bro! a big happy congrats to yee!
Thanks, everyone! Glad you’re enjoying it! Much more to come!
This is fabulous.
Caaats is my new favorite thing.
Thanks, again everyone! Your support is very much appreciated!
Hello, hello! Tis my cats who followed you on Twitter.. ~_^ What can I say, they insisted. =^@.@^= Shadow & Pagan are eager to tweet you but have been busy hiding under the bed & hunting bugs, respectively.
Anywho, I wanted to let you know I shared this 1st strip; ^_^
PS: Please put “next” links on your posts so that visitors can go thru the strips chronologically!?
“A catless writer is almost inconceivable. It’s a perverse taste, really, since it would be easier to write with a herd of buffalo in the room than even one cat; they make nests in the notes and bite the end of the pen and walk on the typewriter keys.” — Barbara Holland
Awesome webpage!
@Dorian - Thanks for sharing the first strip! I’m glad you like it so far, and I really appreciate you sharing it with others!
That’s a good suggestion about a “next” button on the blog posts. I’ll talk with Erin, our web ninja and see if it’s something we can work on.
That’s a funny quote about cats. I’m actually really thankful that whenever I’m writing or drawing, Olive decides to take a nap. It pays to have a really comfortable cat bed in your work area.
@NY Pest Control - thanks a lot! And thanks for reading!
::heehee:: Smart that, the comfortable cat bed nearby. ~_~
Jamorama i think you have a great site here… today was my first time coming here.. i just happened to find it doing a google search. anyway, great post.. i’ll be bookmarking this page for sure.
Thought you should know that CAAATS! has massive support over the other side of the Atlantic too! We’re loving it over here! Good work Matt! Love, Naomi x
@personal loan - sweet! I’m glad you found the site and have it bookmarked - way to be! You’re in luck too, because there’s a new page tomorrow! Thanks for reading!
@ Naomi - I’m so glad you’re enjoying the comic! Your support is always so appreciated! Hopefully we’ll get to see you and Andy very soon. Take care!