Cinco de Gato (5th of Cat)
on May 4, 2021 at 12:01 am
Cinco de Mayo. It’s a holiday commemorating the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Well, that’s what Wikipedia says, but that’s also the site that told us all Sinbad is dead.
Anyway, it also happens to be a holiday celebrating Mexican heritage and pride, or if you’re American, going to the bar and drinking too much.
But this is an all ages comic, so let us focus instead on the fine cuisine the Mexican culture has brought us and the joy of a cat tasting her first taco. FIESTA!
Spencer Puppy got that same look the other day when I gave him a little piece of marshmallow peep. I never thought of giving him taco. Ole!
Sinbad is dead?! wait. he is’nt? whew. haha
Love it!
I effin’ love tacos. I bet I could eat 100 tacos….YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY TACOS OLIVE!
I’ll take them when you sleep. Hee hee.
Fiesta- best panel EVER!
Ha ha! Thanks!