Lost My Place
I’ve lost count of how many times Olive has pulled Hazel off the edge of the bed. Sometimes it happens while I’m reading and getting ready to turn in for the night, sometimes it happens in darkness while I’m actively trying to go to sleep. I can tell because suddenly I feel lightweight Hazel land on the sheets next to me followed by heavyweight Olive landing next to me followed by a Hazel yell that begins loudly and gets more distant as she’s pulled below.
I think it’s Olive’s way of telling Hazel that it’s not time for bed yet and they still need to play some more.
Just when you think you’re going to relax and have some quiet time.
Cats always get amped up at night !!! They sleep during the day. I guess you could say they work the third shift .
Stay warm.
Yeah, I forgot what quiet time is like. 🙂
Yeah… That’s how it goes.
Sad but true.
When I still had my cats, the blackie would like to sleep next to my head and cali would come up in the middle of the night and smack her in the head till she would move down by my feet. Then cali would sleep on the other side of my feet.
I could see your cali saying, “Don’t sleep by the face, they’ll choke on your fur.”