Stop Eating My Planet!
You can’t keep a good superhero down, that’s for sure. Bump one off and he just comes back in a new costume that will presumably sell more books.
If you read a lot of comics in the 90’s like I did, you probably remember the pouch craze that went on with a lot of characters at the time. Swords and guns were pretty popular too; everything was getting darker and grittier. However, no one could ever seem to figure out what was dark and gritty about a pouch, or what the hero or anti-hero was keeping in it. Gum? Spare change? Yo Yo’s?
I suppose most mainstream comics these days are still pretty grim, but at least the pouches are gone as far as I can tell.
Ah yes, basically my entire time as a “Marvel Zombie” happened during the 90s with maybe a year or two of spill over into the 2000s. A few other titles lasted an extra year or two more before I just had to put the kibosh on the whole thing; comics are so expensive and companies love crossovers so you can’t seem to get just one book.
Anyway, I remember the pouch phase and I don’t know if it has completely passed from modern comics as I don’t really read them. I didn’t find them inherently silly; just artists that went overboard on them and writers that never bothered to use them. I remember appreciating pockets a lot around that time; in the real world keys, some Game Boys, cell phones, etc. all were things you’d find in my real world “pouches”. While it would have been hilarious for Cable to have taken a Tetris break, keys, comm units, spare ammunition, explosives, etc. all would have helped justify those pouches if more writers/artists had remembered to use them as storage. I mean, pouches have a long and ancient history in comic books; what is Batman’s Utility Belt but a series of pouches? 😉
Lastly… I read this comic book while having a left over piece of cake for breakfast. Totally instead of a planet and not because I succumbed to temptation. ¬_¬
I agree it can get super expensive to follow comics. What’s disappointing these days is to see companies charging the same amount of money for a digital download as a physical copy of the book (you’d think it would be less). It’s really put me off from following a lot of titles week to week.
I’ll always be ok with Batman’s utility belt, since it’s completely practical. I’ve even seen diagrams depicting what’s in each pouch; lock picks, smoke bombs, spare rope, etc.
Cake for breakfast is the best!