That’s a Wrap
So there’s time this year for one last Halloween strip, and I think this one is my personal favorite out of the bunch.
Does Olive realize that the glass is solid and there is no physical way through it to the bugs who elude her? Probably. Does she care? I doubt it.
Anyone dare me to wrap her up in a toilet paper costume and see what happens?
I double dare you. We actually did wrap our cat up once and he loved it, but then he is a very strange cat.
Really like your webcomic. Great drawings and very funny.
Thanks for the kind words! I don’t think the wrapping would go well with Olive. We tried to dress her up as a pumpkin a few years ago and she hated it. Oh well …
HA! Man…I bet Hazel has Excedrin headaches at least twice a day.
That’s very possible. Poor Hazel 🙁
There’s never a dull moment with Olive around! Great strip, Matt.
Thanks, Mark!