So it turns out that catbots are a little harder to destroy than the Sharksquatch thought. Luckily he shows no mercy and is more than up for the challenge.
So it turns out that catbots are a little harder to destroy than the Sharksquatch thought. Luckily he shows no mercy and is more than up for the challenge.
You don’t just walk up and punch a Catbot. No sir. Well, I guess you can do it if you’re a Sharksquatch with the ability to catch missiles and throw them back…
What do you do when you see a cat bot? Punch it. Sharksquatch law demands it. One has to be careful though; cat bots just might punch back …
What’s a sharksquatch you ask? The answer is simple; part shark, part squatch, all awesome. And now Olive has found one standing right in her own living room. It’s time to buckle up for a magical journey!