Let’s Be Famous
There are a lot of cat videos on You Tube. I mean a lot. Perhaps the most famous one of all is the Keyboard Cat which has over twenty million views. Twenty Meeeeellion! Dag nab, that’s a lot! I also happen enjoy the Keyboard Cat Redux starring Ron Livingston (Peter from Office Space).
Olive and Hazel may never reach the same levels of fame as the freakishly talented Keyboard Cat, but by golly, they’re gonna try.
Oh my gosh! That Keyboard Cat Redux is hilarious!
I have had this song running through my head for days! I hear Elton John singing and to the tune of “Rocket Man” but I hear the lyrics that Olive is singing. One of my top comics of all time!
Elton Who? 😉
I’m with Meghan on this one. BEST. COMIC. EVER.
The pink jumpsuit rocks!
And thanks for putting the song in my head!
Traci 🙂
Aw, thanks a lot! The jacket is quite stylish. I should start searching for a real one.
They are definitely going to try, orrrr…..sleep on it for awhile! Sweet strip, Matt. Better than a Youtube video!
Thanks, Mark! I guess the concept of Internet fame is lost on Hazel.
Rocket Cat will be a thing one day thanks to Olive! XD
We can only hope 🙂