Ready, Aim, Feast!
Thanksgiving. That holiday in which we say, “Well, at least the crazy relatives aren’t getting here until Christmas.” Or we might say, “Crap, the crazy relatives are here, but at least they won’t be back for Christmas.”
At any rate, many a bird will be sacrificed, devoured and given thanks. Wait, we don’t thank the bird, we thank … each other?
I guess what I’m trying to say here is Happy Thanksgiving from Matt, Meghan, Georgia and the CAAATS!
Good thing Hazel didn’t open her mouth.
Never trust anything Olive says. 😉
And a very happy Turkey Day to y’all!
Thank you! You too!
I’m pretty sure there’ll be plenty of leftovers. Sock sandwiches all week! Fun stuff, Matt, hope you and your family had a tremendous Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Mark! We had a great Thanksgiving, hope yours was awesome as well!