Sunlight: A Cat Sleep Aid
If you have cats, you totally know what I’m talking about. They find that area in the house where the sun is shining at it’s highest intensity, lay down directly in the beam and promptly pass out.
And because the sun is a moving target, the light is constantly changing its position, causing the cats to wake up, walk a few steps and lay back down directly in the beam. I just think it’s hilarious and kind of baffling, but then I guess there are human beings who are all about sunbathing.
I know it’s not the point of the comic, but Olive’s story about the animals is pretty intriguing (sp*) I’d like to hear more.
-Oh and I know it was forever ago, but you did an Evil Dead II spoof comic. Have you seen the trailer for the new Evil Dead. I didn’t think it was possible, but it actually looks good.-
There are definitely times when our back yard fills up with animals; raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, even groundhogs. I have at least one future comic that addresses this.
You know, I checked out the new Evil Dead trailer and it looks really scary, which is cool, but it looks like it’s missing the campiness and humor that the originals had. I’ll probably give the new one a shot though.
I think the scary route was a good idea. It would have been impossible to recapture the camp of the original Evil Dead I think.
That’s a good point. No sense in doing the exact same thing over again.
Love it! Happened just the other day!
I remember Hazel kind of wrapping herself around a corner, which looked uncomfortable, just to get that sweet sunshine.
This could be a great stress-reliever. Take a day off from work, nap all day and the only time you get up is when the beam of sun in the room has changed its position.
House pets have it made!!!
Nice story and wonderful graphics.
Yeah, they definitely have it pretty easy. 🙂
lol, It’s funnier to watch them vie for the best position in the sunbeam…and when there isn’t enough sun for all of them..look out. LOL
btw, we expanded out zoo over the weekend. Now have another little fur baby. lol
Ha ha, that’s definitely happened in our house. Olive has no concept of personal space.
So who is your new addition?
We have a new green-eyed, black kitten named Nyx. Went to the animal shelter to find a kitten that my daughter wanted but alas, that one had been adopted (to a good home we were assured by the lovely lady who did the adoption) and so my kids went looking through the shelter. I saw Nyx and it was love at first sight. She reminds me exactly of my cat I had from Birth to death when I was a kid.
so, I bawled like a baby while putting her back in her cage and went and sat in the lobby to wait for my kids. Still crying, mind you and then my kids come out with a carrier and I asked them if they found one and they said yes, mama…here, she’s yours. And handed me my new baby girl. She’s freaking adorable.
Aw, congratulations!
I love the *ZONK* look on their faces on panel 3
Ha ha, they are zonked out for sure 🙂