While You Were Away
Ever wonder what your cats do all day while you’re at work? A whole lot of nothin’, that’s what.
I always see it firsthand when I get sick and have to stay home. I lay around being completely worthless, and they join right in. I suppose it’s all that running around at night that keeps them knocked out during the day. The most trouble Olive manages to make is a halfhearted swing at Hazel’s head that completely misses. The true ninja skills don’t activate until the sun goes down.
I may have video taped our dogs in their kennels while we were out once to answer a similar question… 🙂
Pretty anticlimactic, isn’t it?
We have had our cat Coco for several years now. Somedays you will watch her and think that it would be fun to trade places with her for a couple of days.
I bet if house pets could talk to us they would tell us that we should kick back and enjoy the easy life like they do. No daily stress, just eat and sleep and wait for someone to give you a hug.
Gotta love em!!!
Those sick days are pretty great, other than being sick of course. I always manage to get in at least a couple movies.
They sure have a hard life, don’t they? I mean, seriously, having to wake up from their naps to move because the sunbeam relocated, or because they want to eat. Oh, or roll over to warm the other side while hogging mom’s electric blanket.
We should really stop abusing them that way.