So one week ago, I was in Chicago for a comic convention called C2E2 (Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo). For the uninitiated, a comic convention is an event in which comic geeks gather by the thousands to get the latest news in the comic world, buy overpriced convention food and dress up in unflattering spandex outfits in the hopes of getting their picture taken.
Though it may sound like a twisted nightmare to some (my wife), there is actually a lot of fun to be had by die hard comic fans. A highlight for me was attending a panel featuring Chris Hemsworth, star of the upcoming Thor movie. The panel featured a Q & A session in which Chris very gracefully fielded questions from rabid geeks. Hilarity ensued.
When someone asked him if he would ever play Aquaman in a film, a woman bolted up from her seat and shouted, “All Aquaman does is come up out of the water and flop around like a fish out of water!” She returned to her seat. The hall erupted with laughter. Chris Hemsworth smiled and nodded. Surely, someone had warned him about all this.
Another highlight of conventions is getting to meet other comic creators. People will sometimes stand in line for hours just to get one of their favorite books signed by the writer and/or artist. Many convention-goers like to track down artists at their tables and ask for personalized artwork.
This year, I was lucky enough to snag a sketch of Olive and Hazel (pictured above) from the very talented Katie Cook. They appear to really love each other in this sketch, which really means they’re about to do battle.
All in all, the show was a great time spent with great friends. I even got to meet some folks who read CAAATS! Thanks to both of you for reading! Nyuck, nyuck.
So, would I do it all again? Absolutely. Would I ever wear spandex so that people take my picture? Not in a million years.